A cheat sheet for Texas Hold’em players
The word Poker itself can mean dozens of different types of card games, so before you start playing at Bons Casino, it is recommended that you clarify which type of poker you are choosing.
In brief, the rules of Texas Hold’em are summarized as follows — each player is dealt two cards in private, which he keeps to himself and does not show anyone. Then, in a certain order on the table in front of the players put 5 cards in the open. The player’s goal is to collect the best combination of the 5 cards. To do this, he can use both those cards that he has in his hand and those that are on the table, the total to choose the best 5 out of 7. Other players can also use the cards on the table, as in this case they are considered common, so most often both you and your opponent will use the same cards from the table. In this article from Bons Casino Blog, you will learn the basic rules of the game that you can use as a cheat sheet.
Before the start of each round, 2 chips are placed on the table in front of the player — Blind.
One player is designated as the Small Blind and the player following him is designated as the Big Blind.
These players, regardless of whether they want to participate in the draw, are obliged to bet a certain amount of money, agreed in advance. The Big Blind is always twice the size of the Small Blind, so for example, one Small Blind is $1 and a Big Blind is $2. These bets exist to ensure that every hand is dealt in a mandatory manner, and players do not sit idle, discarding cards and waiting for a favorable hand.
Usually, in the course of the game blinds grow depending on the time passed, the number of players at the table or the number of hands. Thus, the game speeds up and the blinds become so large that players with a small pot have less and less opportunity to win back.
Pre Flop
When players receive their closed Pre Flop cards, they decide whether or not they are going to participate in this hand. The first player to make this decision is the player following the player with the Big Blind.
He has three options:
- Call. He bets equal to the amount of the big blind and continues the game.
- Fold. The player makes no bet, discards his cards to the dealer and takes no further part in the hand.
- Raise. A player raises the bet, i.e. makes it more than the amount of the Big Blind. By doing so he forces all subsequent players, even those who have already bet, to Call, equalizing the amount of their bet with his, or to Fold, quitting the game.
There is no limit to the number of Raises, so players can raise their bets until all remaining players have equaled their bets.
Three cards are laid out in front of the players in the open — Flop.
Now everyone has the opportunity to see what combination they have already formed from the 5 cards they know or to estimate what combinations are possible in the future, i.e. what cards they should expect to win. Starting with the player with the Small Blind players can bet or continue playing with their existing bets by saying Check. However, if someone does make a bet, both in the previous round and in the following rounds, all those who wish to play further must check.
Check. In a situation where no one before the player did not raise the bet, and wished to continue the game with the same amount, he can join this decision by saying the word Check
A fourth card, the Turn, is placed on the table, after which players are again free to bet, continue or fold. The only difference in this round is that the players now have more information about the possible combinations.
The last fifth card on the table — River — appears, which means that the player can already determine exactly what combination of cards he has been able to collect. Having assessed his chances he makes a Check, Raise or Fold.
Final. Showdown — Showdown
At the end of all bidding, the remaining players reveal their Showdown cards. The player who bet or Raised last must be the first to do so. The player with the best combination of cards wins.
Players who see another player’s winning cards have the right to discard their cards without revealing them, recognizing their opponent’s victory.
Poker cheat sheets
Over time, you will be able to memorize all the combinations of Texas Hold’em, as well as their sequence by seniority. But none of the players will judge you if you have the following hint with you on your phone or in printed form.
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